Can I import my old data from iGaslog or another app?

Not yet but we are working on it as a priority...

If you have iGaslog but it is frozen when you load it this is likely to be as it is unsupported by the latest version of Apple's iOS for your mobile device.

You may be able to extract your data from the device still. 

You require:

  • Your phone or iPad
  • Computer or lap top
  • Working wifi connection that both your phone and computer are connected to

If you have all of these then follow these steps:

  • Open iGaslog on your phone. It will probably freeze if you are running iOS 8 or greater. 
  • At the bottom of the screen you will notice a string of numbers referred to as Portal which will look something like this, highlighted with in the red circle.

  • This is the web portal address that you are now going to access from your computer. You need to be on the same wifi network, this will not work over the internet per se. 
  • Type in the address with the http:// at the start and you should get to a webpage such as this:

  • Hopefully this will have some files listed on it such as in this example. You can right click (or control click with a mac) and select to download this file.
  • If it is a backup file then send it to us and we can covert it for you as long as you have an active subscription.
  • If it is a CSV file then this is a type of spreadsheet file (it stands for comma separated values) and can be opened on microsoft excel or similar. 

We hope this helps. We are currently trying to implement importing data into Medberry. Due to the fact that we use a more modern database structure this is proving that it may take a little time to implement. Watch this space. 

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