Fix for facebook login problem

If you encounter an error when logging in using facebook. It may be because of a known problem that can be fixed. The error message you get will be :

Login Error. The operation couldn't be completed. (com.facebook.sdk error 5.)

The fix

First, make sure you have facebook settings installed.  

  1. Go to Settings > Facebook
  2. Within facebook settings, there should be a section where you authorize apps to use your facebook information. It is titled, "ALLOW THESE APPS TO USE YOUR ACCOUNT".
  3. If there is an entry for Meg Gas Log, Make sure it is turned on.

If this hasn't fixed things:

  1. Delete the medberry app by:
  2. Holding down the app icon  until it starts wiggling, press the "X" that is in the app icon.
  3. Re-install app from the app store
  4. Login again with Facebook





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