From version 1.7.12 we have produced PDF reports and this article is now defunct. If you are using an earlier version then please update your app.
We have a RCoA compliant report function. To get a report go to the reports tab at the bottom of the screen. Select a data range and hit the RCoA report tab. This will bring up a report that you can view on your screen.
If you want a print out or attach this to your eportfolio then hit the small box with an arrow in the top right of the screen. This will email a copy to an email address of your choice.
There are a number of ways of viewing your report. Please note that if you edit the report in say word then it will loose some of its formatting which you will need to readjust.
The reports are currently produced as an HTML file, which is a web page, so can be opened in any browser. It is just the way we originally did it and we hope to have more functionality such as added search fields and a PDF version in the near future.
If you are on a mac then you can easily convert this to a PDF file by opening the file in your preferred web browser (safari, firefox etc) and selecting FILE -> PRINT select PDF and then SAVE AS PDF
In Google Chrome there is a link named Open PDF in Preview. If you click on this, the file should be displayed in the preview program.
From there you can save it using the menu option.
Let us know if you have problems, we are here to help!
Happy logging!