Testing Webapp

In order to test our development webapp please follow the instructions below.

Please note this is linked to a development and not the production account so may be different to what you have on your normal Medberry account, and cases here will not be reflected on your normal logbook. 

Can you please go to http://devapi.medberry.tech

  1. Login
  2. Add a case
  3. Please use all of the entry options (ie operation, age etc)
  4. Save the case
  5. Check it is reflected in the log
  6. se the filters on the report
  7. Produce a report (please note that you may need to enable pop ups on your browser for this)
  8. Check the report is reflective of the cases logged
  9. Go to profile
  10. Change your password
  11. Change your name, grade, employer

If at any point you encounter a problem please can you let us know at support@medberry.co.uk


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