Android Subscription - Set up and Cancel

Medberry offers a subscription service to use the full services of the app. This is managed through the app and the Google Play Store or iTunes Store. 

In order to set up a subscription in Android please go to the settings menu and click "manage subscription Google Play"

It will direct you to the Google Play Store where you can choose to set up your subscription. 

Once this is done there should be confirmation. To check, if you save a case it should come up with no message under the save text (i.e. previously it would have told you how long left you have of your free trial).

If you want to stop your subscription then please go back to the subscription tab in the app, or if you no longer have the app, you can go into the play store and cancel there. More info via this link

Please note that we do not receive any payment information and cannot cancel your subscription for you. 

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